
The social construction of ignorance: Experimental evidence

We experimentally study the social transmission of “inconvenient” information about the externalities generated by one's own decision. In the laboratory, we pair uninformed decision makers with informed senders. Compared to a setting where subjects …

A Market for Integrity - An Experiment on Corruption in the Education Sector

Corruption in the education sector is pervasive in many (developing) countries. We examine two interventions to fight corruption in education. The first is an increase of the fixed-wage of teachers. The second is the introduction of a piece-rate …

Doing Bad to Look Good: Negative Consequences of Image Concerns on Prosocial Behavior

Several studies show that social image concerns stimulate prosocial behavior. We study a setting in which there is uncertainty about which action is prosocial. Then, the quest for a better social image can potentially conflict with genuinely …

Too Lucky to Be True: Fairness Views under the Shadow of Cheating

The steady increase in inequality over the past decades has revived a lively debate about what can be considered a fair distribution of income. Public support for the extent of redistribution typically depends on the perceived causes of income …

Justified ethicality: Observing desired counterfactuals modifies ethical perceptions and behavior